My goal with this blog is to educate, inform and share valuable China sourcing information with readers. When done correctly, manufacturing China can be a great method of developing your products.

Sourcing Offshore: Many Moving Pieces

However, in China sourcing, many different elements must be taken into consideration: from the cultural differences to the laws and customs, the critical factors can play a large role in your experience.

  • As a buyer, is your understanding on the same page as the supplier’s and vice versa?
  • Are you able to communicate key specifications concerning your product via digital communication (email, Skype)?
  • Do you have the patience to professionally work with vendors who are using English as a second language and have a different understanding of what you would consider to be a “good work ethic”?

My experience is rooted in both living in China for 10 years for and working for and owning China Product Manufacturing companies.

Getting Started